Strategy and Priorities

Strategy & Direction 

The future strategy for Achilles is not a radical departure from what has been working so well to date and we do not want to detract from the incredible results from passion and hard work from our volunteers.

The strategy document confirms our vision, mission, purpose and values. It's really important we work from a common ground, particularly with governance, but also when we describe what Achilles is and what we do.

In addition to clearly stating our intent the strategy also outlines our future plans in 5 key areas.

  • National Office  

  • Strategic Pillar - Wellbeing

  • Strategic Pillar - Education 

  • Strategic Pillar - Sustainability 

  • Strategic Pillar - High Performance 

How we will put the strategy into play 

The next step is to translate this strategy into a set of tactical projects.

Our focus in the immediate term, between now to September, is on anything that is required to set the foundation for long-term success. We expect this to include: 

  • Board level – skills mix and recruitment 

  • Governance level – documents and systems, including risk registers, insurance, constitution, financial sustainability, revenue plan & accounting (fun!)

  • Organisation level – roles & responsibilities, policies and standard operating procedures (code of conduct, athlete onboarding, guide training, social media, how to set up a chapter), Health & Safety (incl. First aid training, informing guides) 

  • Systems & IT – website, membership platform (e.g., where people find information, reporting 

  • Stakeholder network and connections (I added this bullet in the meeting following feedback from David, great call!)

  • Event strategy – be clear on what is supported in what ways, future calendar or intent etc. 

  • Communications – transparency, frequency, timeliness. For me this is really crucial and in particular the relationship between the board, Management (Sophie) and chapter leads is key to our success

The board and governance level activity is underway. When we are ready to kick things off as we move down the list we will establish a committee for each strategic pillar that will be chaired by member of the board. As our Chapter Leads have an incredible network, we will coordinating participation in committees via chapters.

Some projects will be achievable with the right application of time and effort. Other may require investment and in that instance, funding will be sought to help develop and deliver it.