October Newsletter 2018

To all our members, sponsors, partners, ambassadors, guides and volunteers. Welcome to the

October edition of the Achilles NZ newsletter.

New York Marathon Sunday November 4th

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Achilles NZ will be attending for the 25th time the New York City Marathon. It will be an awesome experience for all the new athletes attending and for those that have participated before another chance to soak up the atmosphere of the world’s most prestigious marathon. There is a tour party of over 30 going to New York to help guide or support our athletes and our best wishes do go out to those athletes competing.

Get to know a Achilles Athlete - John Langford

John Langford - Pictured with his family is one of the newbies attending his first New York Marathon so we thought we should know a little bit more about him.

John Langford - Pictured with his family is one of the newbies attending his first New York Marathon so we thought we should know a little bit more about him.

What Achilles Chapter are you a part of? Invercargill

What is your Injury/Disability? C5-6 Tetraplegic (paralysed).

How long have you been injured/disabled for and how did it happen? 20 years. Car accident when I was 18.

What running achievement are you most proud of? An unlucky second at my High School Cross Country 21 years ago.

 What is your Favorite Event? I haven’t done it yet but to me the New York Marathon looks the best event to be part of. Other endurance events I admire are the Cycle Tour of Southland, and The Tour de France.

 What are you Hobbies/Interests? I am an old fashioned Southlander so it’s Rugby, Racing and Beer. Also I take a keen interest in my wife and children’s sports (which are varied and many).

 What is your Favorite food? Rockin Ribeye at the Lonestar. Medium Rare, Jack Daniels Sauce, swap out the Onions for a Fried Egg.

 Who is your Favorite Musician? Jennifer Lopez, I will be looking out for her in the Bronx.

 Who is your Favorite Sportsperson? All Black halfback Aaron Smith. Fast, accurate and fit.

 A book that everyone should read is…….. I used to think Lance Armstrong’s books…. Safer now with ‘The fastest Old Man in the World’. Derek Turnball story.

 What do you love most about running with Achilles NZ? The support you get from being in a team. Shout out to Greg Houkamau the Invercargill leader, and John Bowden.

 If you could invite any four people to Dinner who would they be and why? The four main characters from the tv show Calfornication. The Moodey’s and the Runkel’s. They’re highly dysfunctional but entertaining.

 Do you have a favourite Quote? What is it? You gotta keep on keepin’ on. (Joe Dirt 2001).

From the Board - Allan Smith


· The Board would like to receive your feedback so please feel free to email the Board Chair Allan Smith at asmith@acessible.co.nz your thoughts and comments especially on the donation suggestion for membership of Achilles NZ.

· Allan will be attending several meetings with Achilles International and Cigna while supporting our athletes competing in the New York Marathon

· Ryan on behalf of the Board will attend the monthly Chapter lead tele conference where issues of sponsorship will be discussed

· The Board will be meeting in December for a strategic review of the last six months and also to look forward to the next six months.

In association with Cigna

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Congratulations to the following athletes who were chosen by Cigna to participate in the Queenstown Marathon 10km on 17 November 2018!

Susan Evans, Michelle Holland, Kim Dybell, Shannon Cleave and David Piper. Do enjoy the race and we look forward to seeing your results and pics.

The Hamilton Half Marathon 30 September

Finally, we got a fine day for the “Direct Group Uniforms Hamilton Half Marathon” after the last two years being washed out it was fantastic to have some sunshine.

We had over 50 Achilles athletes and guides participating across all three events on the day, and as usual everyone finished and had a great time.

Thanks to all of those who came from out of the Waikato we do appreciate you coming here to help us wave the Achilles Flag.

The team from the Tainui Novotel Hotel again supplied the BBQ and kept our group fed,

We had a good group of Trikes and handcycles from the “Wheels in Motion group who train at the Cambridge Avantidrome for some of them this was their first ever “running event” and I am sure they will be back next year, thanks to Aaron Ure for organising this group of athletes.

A special thanks must go to the Event Manager Lyn Harris and her team, they make this event accessible to all Achilles athletes and are leading the way in having a running event that is open to any one of any ability.

We look forward to seeing bigger numbers at the 2019 event.

And watch this space Lyn is organising another event for Achilles in 2019/0r 20 it will be huge!!!

Achilles Christchurch Goes Marshaling -October 14

Once again, the Christchurch Achilles crew paid the running fraternity back by volunteering at the Crater Rim Ultra.  The Crater Rim is a trail event in the NZ Athletics Calendar run by The Port Hills running club involving 10km 21km 30km and 50km events.  Athletes run around Banks Peninsula it has amazing view and some quite technical trails.

We had more than 20 of our Athletes and Guides working on Aid and fueling stations, road crossings etc.  This event provides amazing sustenance to its participants it saw us providing and preparing water melons pineapple flat coke lollies and potato chips.  Most of the Achilles crew helped at the sign of the Kiwi as well as other satellite areas.  Oh yes, we did dress up for it Yellow being the main theme.  Although busy I think I can say a great time was had by all. 

Getting to know an Achilles Athlete - Mike Asmussen

Mike Running down the street in Christchurch.

Mike Running down the street in Christchurch.

What Achilles Chapter are you a part of? Christchurch

What is your Injury/Disability? Visually impaired

How long have you been injured/disabled for and how did it happen? Visually impaired since birth. Mum & Dads “Jeans” did not match

What running achievement are you most proud of? Getting up early on a clear, crisp winter’s morning in the garden city to go running with great mates and share our running adventures

What is your Favorite Event? Cigna Wellington Round the Bays Half Marathon

What are you Hobbies/Interests? Running, Tramping and getting into the great outdoors

What is your Favorite food? Salmon Bagel

Who is your Favorite Musician? Meat Loaf

Who is your Favorite Sportsperson? Dan Carter

A book that everyone should read is? The Hungry Caterpillar

What do you love most about running with Achilles NZ? The Guides

If you could invite any four people to Dinner who would they be and why? Jamie Oliver to cook the food, Ed Sheeran to provide the entertainment, My Wife to enjoy great food great entertainment and great company and Nigella Lawson to do the washing up.

Do you have a favourite Quote? What is it? Go hard or go home

News from Pure Sports Nutrition

Our sports nutritionist, Marewa Sutherland, gives her top tips for endurance & multi-stage adventure events.

Final Word…

Thanks as always to our sponsors, partners guides, volunteers and chapter leaders -I know the athletes of Achilles really do appreciate your passion and commitment to them and the Achilles family.

Do have a great month in November whether you are running in the Auckland Marathon in late October, the New York Marathon or the Cigna 10km in Queenstown or in the various Parkruns around the country. Do keep up all the great work in training and being part of this worldwide Achilles family. If you do like Guy Fawkes celebrations do be safe and as always have fun.

Sophie Nabbs